» Employment Based Immigration

85 Questions to Help You Prepare For a H-1B Visa Interview

These are the types of questions you should expect on the day of your H-1B visa interview. This is only a guide for informational purposes and must not be relied upon. The Consular officer may ask you different questions from the ones listed here and… Read More
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Top 5 Reasons Your H-1B Visa Application Is Stuck In Administrative Processing

Administrative processing delays can be a problem for any visa applicant, and although some of the reasons below may apply to other visa categories, this article is specifically written with H-1B visa applicants in mind. This article in no way attemp… Read More
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10 Top Tips for Interviews with USCIS or Consular Officers

If you’re here, you’ve probably been searching for information about what to expect at an interview with a USCIS immigration officer or U.S. consular officer abroad. Perhaps you’ve spoken with some friends or family who have been through it to… Read More
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Top Three Responsibilities of a U.S. Green Card Holder

So, you got yourself a green card, now what? Lawful permanent resident status (LPR), commonly known as a “Green Card” holder, is the next best thing to U.S. Citizenship. But it’s not U.S. Citizenship. Maybe you will pursue naturalization in… Read More
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Why Administrative Processing Can Suck the Life Out of You and How to Keep Your Sanity!

Ask an immigration attorney about administrative processing and you may hear: “be patient,” “it takes time,” “you’ll hear from them soon,” “not much we can do,” “it’s a waiting game.” I’m not knocking those responses. I’ve… Read More
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