U.S. T-Visas for Victims of Human Trafficking

Since 2000, the United States Congress has allocated 5,000 T-Visas annually for victims of severe human trafficking. Victims must assist law enforcement in the investigation or prosecution of the crime. Under certain circumstances, victims of severe trafficking who cannot cooperate with an investigation or prosecution through no fault of their own may also be eligible to apply for a T nonimmigrant status. An applicant for T status must be in the United States or U.S. territory as a result of the severe trafficking in order to apply for T nonimmigrant status.

An individual granted a T-status may receive work authorization and may also seek permanent residency, i.e., adjustment of status.

Speak with an Immigration Attorney

Sunil C. Patel Immigration Law helps victims seek immigration benefits. We are committed to honest, cost-effective immigration advice and services in every case. Schedule a consultation with attorney Sunil.